
“Stumbling stones” (“Stolpersteine” in German) is an international project to honor the memory of the victims of Nazism. Its idea is to install a memorial “stone”, a small metal plaque with information about a person who died at the hands of the Nazis or survived despite persecution. “Stolpersteine” are placed near this person’s last place of residence, work or study, freely chosen by the person before persecution, arrest, deportation, etc., so that passers-by would “stumble” over it and stop for a moment, thinking about the person who once lived here.

The project “One stone, one life – 80 stumbling stones for Kyiv” is timed to the 80th anniversary of the tragedy in Babyn Yar. Within the framework of the project, nominal “stumbling stones” are being installed to honor the memory of people whose fate was linked to Babyn Yar, i.e. those who were killed or persecuted by the Nazi regime between 1941 and 1943. Teams of participants to be involved in the project are the following: representatives of educational institutions, public organizations and private individuals. They conduct biography researches of personalities to honor, attend educational events related to the history of Babyn Yar, the history of the memorialization of this space, etc. This makes the Kyiv implementation of the project not only commemorative, but also an educational one.


The project aims to ensure a daily “meeting” of citizens with the memory about those Kyivans who died or were victims of Nazi persecution during the occupation of the city. We strive to introduce this memory to the urban space of Kyiv.


Organizers and partners

The project is implemented by the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies at the initiative of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kyiv with the support of the Kyiv City State Administration.



The project is implemented by the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies at the initiative of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kyiv with the support of the Kyiv City State Administration.