Volodymyr Bahazii

Year of birth 1902
Date of arrest 1942
Place of death Babyn Yar
Date of death June 1942
Location of the stumbling stone Bratska Street, 12

Research teams

Life story

Before the war Volodymyr Bahazii worked as a teacher at Kyiv schools, in particular at school № 109 (Taras Shevchenko gymnasium № 109 today). He had been doing postgraduate studies in Kyiv Research Pedagogy Institute. 

Since the beginning of Nazi occupation of Kyiv in September-October 1941 he had been the Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City Council, Oleksandr Ohloblin. After Ohloblin’s resignation on October 29, 1941, he was appointed mayor and held this position until February 1942. 

Bahazii helped to establish the administrative apparatus of Kyiv. He formed the council departments, started Kyiv center of Red Cross Ukraine.

He belonged to the Melnyk wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Volodymyr collaborated with the Ukrainian National Council headed by Mykola Velychkivskyi.

He was arrested by the Nazi Security Service for nationalist activities and sabotage of the orders of the occupying regime.

He was shot in Babyn Yar together with his eldest son Ihor and other figures of the Ukrainian Liberation movement. The exact date of the shooting is unknown, but it happened not earlier than June 1942.